

Your donation is our order to  help horses in times of need.

The biggest costs, apart from animal feed, are the actual costs of care such as medical care, care and accommodation. Many of our protégés experience positive contact with humans for the first time in our stable on site. Our experienced veterinarian and our carers -  despite their high workload - take the time to give the horses loving care.

Your donation will arrive 1 to 1 in Egypt and will only be used for the above mentioned costs. Our organization consists only of volunteers, who provide their time and materials for advertising, etc. free of charge. Voice of the Soul does not cause administrative costs.

We appreciate any kind of financial support. Once or regularly, we are happy about every donation!
Donations via bank transfer

Our donation account:
Voice of the Soul eV
VR Bank Munich-Country
IBAN: DE65 7016 6486 0000 7543 40
Online donations via PayPal

Do you have a Paypal account? If so, you  can send us your donation directly online:
Voice of the Soul e.V. is recognized by the tax authorities as charitable and particularly eligible. For donations up to 200.00 Euro, the deposit slip confirmed by the bank is considered a donation receipt. For donations over 200.00 Euro, we will send you a donation receipt without being asked. Even with smaller amounts, we are happy to issue a certificate of attendance upon request.

Inquiries regarding grant certificates: Phone ( 49) 89 - 61 33 95 71
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